Every Book is Unique
Books designed are "one-of-a-kind", creative and unique to what YOU want!
- A professional and uniquely designed photo book just for you which you will be proud to display and share
- Layout, captions, stories you provide which all add to a gorgeous book
- Organize years of photographs
- Included services are removal of redeye, cropping, and straightening
- Additional services include scanning, restoration, photoshopping
- I work closely with my clients so the results are the best they can be
About Your Photo Book
INCLUDED Services for Book Design
The price I quote will include complete layout of photos, scanned items (if I have to scan images, that is a separate charge), and text. I will also straighten any tilted horizons, fix redeye, and crop to maximise the image (see "fixing images") *
* Please note the cost of the book design could change should the complexity of the book change substantially from the information provided in order to give the quote. This is something I would bring to your attention as soon as I see the content and work on the book becoming more complex.
Available Services (additional cost)
Photoshop: Photoshopping your images to maximise them...please go to “Fixing Images” so you can see the difference a bit of “post production” can do! Make an ordinary shot just that much better! Once I have your images, I can advise and quote a price for this service. Most “normal” images will not need this service.
Scanning: Do you have old photographs that aren’t digital? Items such as tickets, itineraries, baby announcements, and the like? Just about any item is “scannable”. All items will be scanned at top image quality. They can then be put into the photo book AND you’ll be provided with a CD of all the images I scan for future use.
Once we’re ready to move forward.....
Once you’ve accepted the quote, I require a 50% deposit on the design portion prior to starting work. This can be paid either by EFT or by Visa/Mastercard through Paypal (a 2.5% surcharge).
Once the deposit has been paid, I need you to.....
Gather your photographs .... prints, transparencies, or digital images. Consider other items to include, such as travel tickets, invitations, maps, or anything else you feel will add to the finished book.
Supply any captions, stories, etc., you wish to include in your book in a Word document or email form. Please spellcheck as I cannot be responsible for spelling errors you have made.
And, I will....
Have a chat with you so we can agree on the general direction the book is to take. The first draft should then take between 5-8 working days depending on workload and complexity of the book.
When I’ve completed the first draft, I will notify you by email with a weblink for you to view the draft. You will then have the opportunity to view the entire book and notify me of any changes, add/deletion of text, or make other suggestions. Of course, you can approve the first draft to go to print if you’re happy at that point.
If there are revisions, I’ll make them as soon as possible and advise you of a new weblink to the revised book. A maximum of three (3) revisions is calculated into the price quote. If further revisions are required, an add-on cost may be discussed.
Once there is an approved book layout....
Once you’re happy with your book, I require an approval via email, along with the balance of the design fee as well as the book production and shipping cost prior to ordering the book. I will then send your photo book to the book printer for publication. You will receive the book approximately 2-3 weeks after the book print order is placed.
For additional information, please go to the FAQ section on this website.